Posted by charles uzzell edwards on

On the 20th of March our space will be transformed by the next generation of artists and curators from London's Royal College of Art. See the full show write up below from Co-Curators Douceline Van Caloen & Zahra Mascolo. 

"IN-BETWEEN at Bunny Contemporary brings into materiality the spaces and places that exist only in the intimacies of memory and imagination. These artworks explore liminal atmospheres and rhythmic beings bearing no final form to examine the concept of in-betweenness, rejecting an expectation of reaching a certain conclusion or resolution within the artists’ reflections.

Whether it is to investigate the limitations of memory or to imagine new systems of living, each artist creates their own rules through their works as they navigate their inner worlds and create an immersive portal for the audience to experience and be in dialogue with.

Explored through myriad forms; abstraction and figurative, these artworks create a tension between image and imagination, tangible and intangible, thus making room for viewers to have their own personal reflections. Capturing the artists’ inner worlds through their storytelling unleashes uncertainties and emotions, evoking experiences from the past, present, and speculative futures, ultimately questioning perceptions and possibilities of our realities.

By creating these unique atmospheres, the audience is invited into diverse worlds, embracing process over outcome, to celebrate existing in the ‘in-between’."

     - Co-Curators Douceline Van Caloen & Zahra Mascolo. 

Join us for the opening night, 20th March 6-9pm at Bunny Contemporary. 

Show runs from the 20th of March to the 3rd of April.

No Tickets Required, Free Entry.

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